Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Ladies & Gents, I give you...THE FALCON PRINCE.


This series is going to SO KICK ASS!!!  :'D

~~Becka, who's all verklempt

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Guess What I Saw?!

The mock-up for THE FALCON PRINCE's cover! I can't share it yet until it's approved, but it's GORGEOUS.  Obviously, it has green tones, since green is Khalil's color.  It shows his oasis, and his scars! I'm so happy the cover artist added his scars.  He's turned away from the "camera", so all you see is his back, but I love it, because it visually shows you his vulnerability with regards to those scars.

Check out his book's blurb page for a refresher on what this book is about:


and I'll show off the cover as soon as I can!  YAY!


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Carnal Passions Bought THE SPIDER PRINCE!

Awesomesauce!  Scheduled for a February 2011 release, THE SPIDER PRINCE has been bought by Carnal Passions!  **happy dance**

Still working on JACKAL.  But I think I have some time to finish it.  These books are coming out every two months, so Book V should be out in April '11. 

Just wanted to spread the news!
