Sunday, August 8, 2010

Update on SPIDER and a Decision

Well, THE SPIDER PRINCE is coming right along. I'm on page 178 and loving every minute of it. I think this one should be done fairly soon, if not by the end of the month.

I've also made a decision. Early on, I'd decided to only write four books in this series. I think I will actually write five. The final book will be for the Jackal. I figured people might wonder why I wasn't going to write his book. Well, it's because he's a young prince, coming to the throne when he's about 15, so to write his book, I'll have to age him, obviously. But it might be fun to see the other princes years after their HEA's and meet their families.

It would be odd to leave a perfectly good prince out of the series, so I'm not going to do it. Besides, it will give me something to look forward to after I write the Spider.

I really love this world I've created, probably more than any other worlds of my imagination. I love that each book brings it's own flavor to the table, even though it's still on Jikkar. And I'm not sure I want to be done with it after I write my princes. But what would I write??

I don't know. I know each tent city has a governor. It's possible I could write about them, but the titles wouldn't be as cool. THE PARRADH GOVERNOR... :P

Maybe I'll just leave the desert to the princes and call it a day. It will be bittersweet for me. I will LOVE to share them with you but hate to leave Jikkar behind. Perhaps I'll start a new series on this planet... The Goat Herders of Jikkar... LOL Just doesn't have the same ring to it, does it? :P *snicker*

We shall see.


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